
Foil versions older than 0.6 used to have more API functions.

With v0.6 number of functions decreased and now are available the only available functions are listed below.

Moreover, in older versions, there was available an API object that worked as a proxy to API functions. That object is no more available starting from version 0.6.

Available functions

All the API functions are available under the Foil namespace.

The available functions are:

  • Foil\engine()
  • Foil\render()
  • Foil\arraize()


     * @param  array        $options   Options: autoescape, default and allowed extensions, folders...
     * @param  array        $providers Custom service provider classes
     * @return \Foil\Engine
    function engine(array $options = [], array $providers = [])

Available since very first release, this function can be used to obtain an instance of Foil Engine that can be used to render templates and access to most of Foil features.

$options argument is used to configure Foil behavior, see "Getting Started" section to know more.

In versions older than 0.6, when called more than once, this function used to return always the same instance of Foil Engine class.

Starting from v0.6, it always return a "fresh" instance of Engine.

Also note that in v0.6+, there's another method to obtain an instance of Foil Engine. It is the engine() method of the Foil\Foil class, whose instance can be obtained via Foil\Foil::boot() static method. See "Getting Started / Engine" to know more on the topic.


     * @param  string $path    Full path or just name (requires folders option) for the template
     * @param  array  $data    Template context
     * @param  array  $options Options for the engine
     * @param  array  $providers
     * @return string
    function render($path, array $data = [], array $options = [], array $providers = [])

Introduced in v0.6, this function can be used to quickly render a template with a given set of data.

It very similar to obtain an instance of the engine via engine() function, and then call render() method on it.

First argument, $path may be the full absolute path of a template file, or just a template file name, in this latter case it requires a set of folders to be set using $options.


     * @param  array $data
     * @param  bool  $escape
     * @param  array $transformers
     * @param  bool  $toString
     * @return mixed
    function arraize($data = [], $escape = false, array $transformers = [], $toString = false)

This function allow to recursively convert kind of data to an array.

It is a powerful tool, and there is an entire doc page that explain how it work and how to use it.

See "Data / Arraization".

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